How to Set Writing Routine | Six Recommendations to Consider


Saturday, 9 April 2022

Writers have impeccable ideas in their minds!

But penning down those ideas on paper requires them to follow a proper writing schedule. Unfortunately, managing time to develop a writing routine is not a cakewalk.

Likewise, it can be challenging for you to create a writing routine that meets your schedule and keeps you on the right track.

As a writer, you need creativity and inspiration. If you want to pursue goals and achieve perfection in your writing, you should have a writing routine.

On the contrary, if you do not have a routine, you will easily prey on procrastination and laziness. 

Not all writers have the same writing skills!

Similarly, they may not have the same writing routines. How to develop the best writing schedule that tailors to your needs?

Worry not!

This article will provide valuable recommendations and suggestions for developing a writing routine.

What is the significance of creating a writing timetable?

What is the need to develop a writing habit?

You may think that setting this routine will keep you away from social media and other funny activities. Let's talk about how this schedule will help you become a great writer.

• Consistency in writing helps you craft quality content

Setting quality time for writing will help you develop this habit. As a writer, you need to craft content every single day. 

The more you craft content, the better your writing will be!

When you force yourself to write daily, your mind will be trained to produce content regularly.

• Sticking to a writing timetable keeps you accountable

Writing on a particular timetable keeps you responsible. If you regularly follow this schedule, you will never forget about it. As a result, you will make a lot of progress.

Six crucial recommendations to follow for developing a writing habit

Establishing a timetable should be the topmost priority for all writers. These recommendations will help you stick to a particular routine.

• Select the appropriate time to write

It is the most vital step to consider. Set a specific time for you. Early morning is the best time to start writing. 

On the contrary, if you do not feel comfortable in the morning, you can set a time as per your needs. 

How many hours do I devote to writing daily?

To be honest, the amount of time does not matter if you are consistent. Sticking with your project regularly will help you stay on track and sustain momentum. 

In other words, if you write for 1 hour every day instead of 8 hours once a week, you will craft better and quality content.

When you write regularly, and without distractions, you can get a lot of work done within one hour. It's all about establishing a pattern for yourself so that writing becomes a part of your life.

• Use a trustworthy word counter to keep track of content

Setting a daily word count limit is an authentic method of honing your writing skills. Plus, this proven technique will increase your daily word count. 

It can be challenging to set a word count limit if you are unaware of it!

Also, counting sentences and paragraphs is a daunting task. 

So what to do?

Panic not!

Using a free word counter to keep track of your daily word count will help you target the actual number of words each day. Moreover, an online word counter also assists you in meeting a particular deadline, such as finishing an article or completing two chapters of a book.

• Make a list of your top priorities

Most writers have multiple ideas running in their minds. Therefore, it can be difficult for them to know where to begin. As a writer, you have to make a prioritized list of all of your ideas.

Set deadlines for yourself to guide you through each phase until you have completed the content.

Make writing a priority.

 Don't take a break to do the laundry or respond to a text from a buddy. The clock is ticking. The time is running out. It's time to start writing!

• Decide the best writing place for yourself

Creating a dedicated writing place!

When it comes to developing a regular writing habit, having a dedicated writing space, a spot where you know you can escape the outside world and enter your own fictional one, is tremendously beneficial.

It's crucial to keep your writing place free of distractions. If necessary, close the door; put on your headphones to block the outside world, and turn off your mobile.

• Create a pre-writing ritual to train your brain

We become embedded in our movements when we repeat them again and again. The activities are remembered by our brains and linked to specific tasks. For writers, the same principle applies.

If we imagine each writing session as a game-winning free throw, we instantly do something to signal our bodies that it's time to go.

• Give your writing routine the attention it deserves

Finally, make a vow that you will treat your writing time with the respect it deserves. It can also be the most challenging stage to implement.

The majority of writers complete all steps of this list with ease. They schedule their writing time, put it on the calendar, and set the best schedule.

Likewise, you should regard your writing schedule like this. 

While writing, your writing time should be used for writing content only – not checking social media accounts, responding to an email, or chatting with friends. 

Most importantly, clear your mind from all extraneous distractions. Turn off all notifications from your phone. Plus, make your desk as clutter-free as possible.